Sunday, 17 January 2010

The Drugs That Keep Me Going

What better way to start an entry than with a title like the one above. Alas, it’s not going to be a divulgence of ho w I gripped-up a drug dealer outside the local shops and slugged back his packet of ecstasy because I needed a pick-me-up before a presentation.

No, I’m more concerned about the legal drugs that keep my motor humming or stuttering along so I can do the things I can (live, read and muse). Until 2010 I’d probably consumed about a packet worth of paracetamol, yes a pathetic amount, I know, but I just didn’t like them and thought they wouldn’t work. It was as if I considered my body some kind of pure temple and that no manufactured product created could stop the throbbing sensation behind my eyes – but somehow tea that looked like pond water would. After a couple of headaches and a few litres of green tea I decided to ask someone if they had any paracetmol. The headache stopped and now I’m loving them. This doesn’t mean I take one with my cornflakes but as soon as I get a twinge in the cranium I reach for the little white pill(s).

A new drug I got the other day was hayfever relief spray, this was what the doctor suggested when I told him how I’ve got trouble breathing through my nose. It’s a really odd feeling but sometimes I can hear myself breathing which freaks me out because I’m making the kind of sound an unprepared marathon runner coming to the end of the finishing line, would make. So he pulled out his torch type thing and looked up my nose announcing that I have very thin nasal passages and that’s probably the reason why I struggle to breathe through them. The solution to my problem is hayfever nasal spray that contains a steroid that will open up these thin nasal passages to optimise the small space they have. So every morning before work I squirt this thing up my nose (twice) and roll my head around trying to stop the liquid from trickling down the back of my throat. I’m also worried that as it contains a steroid my nasal hairs will mutate and grow into something that will look like cat’s whiskers protruding out of my nostrils. I guess only time will tell.

I’ve also got some benzyl peroxide for my face which I think basically burns things and can ‘bleach clothing’ so I’m sure it will do wonders for me. I’ve got to apply it at night time and the first time I did so it stung really bad, like when pouring alcohol on a cut. I’ve also got to store it in the fridge because otherwise it goes off so it’s really cold when I get it out.

Oh, and I can’t forget the multi-vitamins I take every day but I don’t think they could be classed as drugs, or can they? Either way, all these things weren’t available 100 years ago so rather being the picture of health I am today, I’d be a spotty, malnourished young man that whistled every time he breathed and suffered from random headaches. Man, I sound like Urkel!

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

The Other Side

It was really quite strange being on the other side. I didn’t really think I’d ever be there. In fact, part of the motivation was to check with myself that I had the capacity to do it. By this I mean, not falling off my chair or saying something inappropriate, or something Alan Partridge might say. The other side was me being part of an interview panel.

I wasn’t sure on how to approach it. Learning the questions I was going to ask was easy but delivering them was still up for discussion within my mind. Should I enunciate clearly at the end of each sentence? Should I maintain eye-contact all the time? These thoughts floated round my mind as I brushed my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror. I decided that I should maintain eye-contact but not adopt a poker like face. I remembered when I was being interviewed once and the main interviewer asked me a question and just stared expressionless, it freaked me out a bit because I couldn’t see any soul behind those eyes, and instead I answered all my questions whilst looking at the smiling blonde lady who sat next to him.

Before the first interviewee came in the 3 panel members went over what questions were going to be asked and in what order. I was reminded that I shouldn’t try and put words in people’s mouths, i.e. give them the answer. I rubbed my forehead and just thought all this is a bit surreal , I’m going to ask questions about team building and how they deal with stress and all the time they’ll be thinking ‘who does this AC Slater lookalike think he is asking me about stress and team building. The guy can’t even be bothered to do his hair properly.’ And so I let me imagination run wild until I recalled what it was like to actually be in an interview and the motivations for actually going for a job.

Obviously I’m not going to discuss each interviewee as it isn’t appropriate but from my point-of-view I learned a lot being on the other side. At first I was equally as scared as they were and maybe my nerves contorted my smiling to resemble something like Jack Nicholson would pull in The Shining. This soon disappeared after asking the first question and I found myself listening intently to what was being said, remembering that these questions are really here to help them open up.

I’m glad I experienced the other side, if only to see whether I’d be any good at interviewing, but I learned that the whole thing isn’t that scary and in fact you get to meet some interesting people too.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Bringing The Estate Back From Disrepute

So, today I decided to cut down on my monthly outings. This was not inspired by watching an Ocean Finance advert where one can consolidate all their monthly repayments via one friendly loan.

No, this was inspired by months of mulling over mustering up the energy to quit various direct debits. I perceive the process (based on experience) as long winded, a battle of wits, and a clash of who can impose their assertiveness without being offensive. However, as it is a new year and all I set about on cancelling my first direct debit.

I took back up when I walked to the gym to end the one and half year membership. I hadn’t been since late September so pretty much knew the best thing to do was call it a day. I hadn’t got that buff, not the gym’s fault, mine really due to not regularly attending. However, in my defence I did go through a two month spate of visiting the gym at 6:55 each morning. Now that was some dedication I’ll wistfully reminisce about when I think to myself, ‘I should join a gym to get buff, I’m sure I’ll stay committed, like the time…’

Expecting to be faced with a plethora of options that involved double negatives such as, ‘So you do not not want to terminate your membership? Right?’ I was pleasantly surprised to have only a cancellation membership form thrusted in front of me by the nice lady. I filled it out and confirmed with the nice lady that the last time my account will be debited will be in Feb. I walked out feeling good that soon I’ll be saving myself £30 a month.

Next on my hit list was my internet service provider. 02 were offering me a decent deal that would cut my current bill by over 50%. I wouldn’t get the ‘up to 20meg speeds’ that are on offer from other providers but as I’ve been using 2meg since switching to broadband I’m pretty content with the slow end connection.

This time I was offered multiple choices but before being given them I had to wait to be transferred to the department of sharp talkers. It was laid on thick at how much money I could save if I stayed with them and how good their service was (it is good to be fair) but £7.50 a month for internet is too good to resist so told them that I wasn’t going to sign whatsoever and the sharp talker gave up almost instantly and then in a monosyllabic tone told me what was going to happen.

After that, I decided I’d done enough for one day and boiled the kettle thinking of what else I could cut so that I can save a few pennies come the end of the month.

In other news, I’ve had to upgrade my Flickr account to Pro. You wanna check out my Lesotho and SA photos (in unorganised format)then go here

And in even further news, Being Human is back.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

A Newish Year

And just like that, after watching Big Fat Quiz of the Year, I accepted that 2010 had truly commenced.

I’ve been off the radar recently which has mostly been due to the fact I get tired at winter. I’ve had loads of things to write about but every time I flipped open the laptop I managed to change my font to verdana (I can only write in verdana for some reason) and then get side tracked by the BBC website and YouTube.

So at the cusp of a new year what do I hope of achieving. Well to start with I shall be tackling all the spots that have appeared over my face. It’s like a constellation of stars that have been produced by the bosom of the sebaceous glad. Being a previous sufferer of severe acne, I’m really up for getting rid of my unwanted acquaintances.

Running in parallel with this, I am going to relax a bit more by trying to think things ahead. What I mean by this is knowing you have to do something and actually spending a few seconds thinking it through instead of acting on the spot and causing hi-jinx trying to sort the situation out in real time. A good recent example is thinking on a Sunday, ‘I’ll wear that washed but unironed jumper tomorrow.’ The 2009 Paddington’s Shadow would, in fact did, iron it on a Monday morning even thought he woke up late for work and in the rush tried to brush his teeth as well as iron resulting in toothpaste pouring out of my mouth and splattering my jumper. Then, in haste run off to get a glass of water to wash it off and forgetting that the iron was still on the jumper. Now the 2010 me will iron the jumper on a Sunday night whilst listening to podcasts. That way, come Monday morning, when I wake up knackered and it’s late I can chill out and not have to scramble about so much.

I’m going to sort out my iTunes and start downloading muzak and in abundance. I was going through my pod yesterday and just couldn’t find anything I wanted to listen too which is extremely frustrating, this caused me to pull a screw face in public in disgust which caused a few people to look at me with a mixture of pity and terror.

I’d also like to go visit another country if I can. I just need to calculate this equation

Money + time x ideas = 1 trip


Oh, and my little task I’ve set myself this year, well every year since I’ve started to write this blog, is to write 52 entries for the year. I’ve failed so far.