Funny how fast time goes
by. One moment, I’m writing random blog entries on Tales of Epoch and then the
next, it all goes quiet. In fact, quiet for about 4 years! It’s not because I
have been neglecting this blog, it is just things got in the way.
Since my last blog I’ve
said goodbye to my old Samsung NC10 netbook. Yes, a netbook. I loved that
machine because it enabled me to be so productive. I was able to write this
blog, write Ode to the Brute and it had decent battery life. It only started to
perish when I upgraded the operating system to Windows 7. Then it all went down
hill so ditched the netbook. Now I rock a Mac and I’m really happy with that.
There’s less writing on it now though, which is a shame.
I even left my old email
address. This was more due to the fact that I got spammed big time on Hotmail.
There are only so many emails about Viagra pills that a man can take, so I
ditched Hotmail and joined Gmail.
Since my last post I have
been fortunate and lucky enough to see more of the beautiful world out there. I
genuinely love this planet and I feel really lucky every time I get to visit a
new place, see something of nature I had previous only ever seen and television
or read about on Wikipedia.
The main thing that got in
the way of writing this blog was studying a masters, I’ve now finished and it
has been a great experience. I was encouraged to do it and I did need a nudge
but I am so glad I did it. Without question, it has helped me in all aspects of
my life and I can’t really say that about all things I do.
So that’s pretty much it.
Not sure when my next entry will come or what I will get up to. But if you ever
need some mens
alpaca jumpers or alpaca hats,
then check out