Wednesday 5 August 2009

I’ve been asleep

Well, I would like to say that was why I haven’t written anything close to three weeks. Truth is; I’ve been slack. It’s not that I forgot about ol’ Talesofepoch but when it came for me to open the lid of the laptop nothing sprang to mind so I decided to take a little break from it.

I’ve been shattered of late, just been getting back from work and thinking ‘I can’t be arsed’, where a few entries ago I was writing about how I was on par in productivity as Dilbert on amphetamines. Still, life is good. I can’t complain, been reading some good books, listening to some radio and have been drinking Hoegarden like it was the only available fluid going. Oh, and those little French beers. I forget what they’re called but they always seem to pop up around summer, like bumble bees.

I’ve also started wearing those thin scarves that kind of make me look like an artist. I don’t mind that look (If I could get away with the clobber they wear in that BBC pre-Raphaelite programme, I so would). No question. I like that artist look but can’t really pull it off but an extremely toned down version is what I will have to live with. I started off with buying one on a Monday morning but by the following Monday I’d bought four scarves. Next month cravats, a pipe and a wallowing of the British Empire in its hey day.

Been reading Garbriel Garcia Marquez’s 100 Years of Solitude and enjoying it. In fact I love reading a book and drinking alcohol. Not to get wasted but to help relax me and thus settle into the story quickly. Writing about alcoholic beverages, I’ve also been getting into coffee liqueurs. My favourite at the moment is a McCloud, which consists of Drambuie and Teachers whisky. I recommend.

Other than that, not much has been happening of late, the weather has been a nightmare so much so that I have developed a conspiracy theory that Peter Mandelson threatened to knife Michael Fish if the BBC meteorologists didn’t dupe the country by declaring that we would be experiencing a heat wave this summer. Not sure how true this is. I recall only yesterday I walked across the car park and within a few seconds I was soaked.

Apart from that everything is doing alright, for now…

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