Thursday 9 April 2009


My battered plimpsoles have finally perished. I had managed to ignore the gradual demise and crumbling of my footwear by shoving them in the corner to collect dust and become a shelter home for arachnids. Besides I wear shoes to work, so polished you can see your face in them. Well, not really but they are in tidy condition. What I could not do any longer was ignore the hole in my plimpsole, especially when it rained and my feet got wet. Thing is, I’m really picky on my footwear based on a criteria of comfort and whether they look radical which sounds simple but can last eons in the search for new footwear.

And so it began last week venturing all through the shops looking for a new pair of trainers. I walked past a pair of Converse and winced a little. I really like those trainers especially as they look better the older and more battered they become. My only problem is getting them on. Those boot versions leave me spending ages trying to slip them on. Sometimes I try so hard to get my foot in that I lose my balance and smack myself against the wall. So I carried on walking past and spied a cracking pair of Adidas Campus. These white and orange shell capped beauties were exactly what I was looking for and asked for a pair of size 9s. The sales girl came out two minutes later with a pair of size 8s. They had no 9s left but would I consider trying the 8s. Even though I knew full well I am a 9 I still found myself saying, “yeah alright then,” as she handed them over to me. They looked the money, I felt the money but alas my big toe was attempting a breakout from shell cap prison and there was no way I could cope with the crammed up condition the rest of my digits were in.

Vexed, I even considered ‘Priceless Shoes’ but it seemed they have all closed down. Eventually I found myself on eBay bidding for a pair of those Nike turtle shoes, the ones where they’ve cut out an extra section for the big toe to live. However, I got out bidded in the last moments with someone coming in with a £62 bid for a pair. I couldn’t really compete but it was a blessing in disguise as I’d either have to wear them bare foot or buy those special Nike socks. A bit of a palaver for someone who likes to get ready in about fifteen minutes so I guess it was for the best. So in the end it left me looking at my stained, scuffed plimpsoles and thinking I’ve got at least another summers worth of wear out of them.

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