Tuesday 13 February 2007

Mr Amstell

I’ve never really been much of a Simon Amstell fan, in fact I abhorred the curly haired ferret, that is, until last Thursday night.

Ever since my bleary eyes caught sight of him on Saturday mornings presenting Popworld I thought he was annoying. Annoying because he was patronising about everything, even his side-kick chick fell victim. I got to admit some of it was funny, especially when asking questions to the likes of ex A1 members about their solo careers, and they so naively reply with enthusiasm of an 8 year old whose just been given their first mobile phone, utter excitement that you’d expect an excrement stain to be left. He did though immerse himself in constant sarcastic quibble that I sometimes wondered how he could maintain it all the time, but he managed to and subsequently I switched off the TV and laid my head back down to get a few more hours of shut eye.

However, I started to side with popular opinion when I caught Mr Amstell on Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Filling Lamarr’s boots takes some doing, considering he’s drier than the white wine I drink. True for the last two series he didn’t really care and in fact used the show as an experiment to see how long he can stay in a job where he openly expresses his lack of interest in it. Amstell though was quick of the mark making witty comments here and there that brought rapturous roars from the bear Jupitus. It wasn’t until the most recent show when that moronic vomit stain looking guy was on there, I believe his name is, Donald Tourette, that I thought he was quite damn good. The fool, who in terms of punk rock is still sucking on the teat of Sid Vicious came wading in with ‘comebacks’ like “You’re a wanker, son”. Amstell completely emasculated the guy, and the dim wit was unaware that it was being done. In fact he probably still thinks he’s come out of the show thinking he’s now legendary status. So Mr Simon Amstell I give you kudos for your presenting skills and abilities to cleverly demean your guests without them even knowing and when they do know cannot even give a decent ‘comeback’, apart from Noel Fielding. I guess your apprenticeship on Popworld wasn’t a waste after all.

On a different note I went to town and looked at buying Factotum. I had a quick read and didn’t bother beacuse I was hungry. Instead I bought a sandwich from M&S.


asdf said...

Glad you've come around to the way of the Amstell, Mr Shadow.

Unlike you, I thought he was rather good on Popworld, but on Buzzcocks he's excelled himself. If he can make Phill Jupitus guffaw himself into next week, then he must be doing something right.

Paddington's Shadow said...

I just thought Amstell was too darn saracastic. As you know, I even considered tea-bagging him to stifle his constant lampooning. But alas, I found out he was gay and therefore might enjoy it. He is good on Buzzcocks though.